Selection of Applicants
Applicants for the training program must be one of the following:
Potential Recruit
Applicants must meet one of the following criteria:
Must pass a weld test with one signatory contractor
Must pass a weld test conducted by the Director of Training or a designee of the Director of Training
All applicants must sign an agreement issued by the Boilermakers National Apprenticeship Program, agreeing to the terms and conditions of this training, before beginning the program. Applicants will not be allowed to participate in training until all required paperwork is complete.
All hours earned by apprentices during this training will be applied to their welding curriculum apprenticeship hours.
Evaluation – SMAW & FCAW Processes
Location: Classroom
Hours: One
Topics: Safety
Review of machines and tools
Location: Shop
Hours: Two
Details: Students will prep and fit-up plates for testing
12 plates
6 backing bars
Location: Shop
Hours: Five
Details: Students will practice SMAW/FCAW processes
Location: Classroom
Hours: One
Details: Students will return to the classroom to review procedures and expectations.
Open discussion will be led by the class instructor(s).
Evaluation Testing
Testing Time Limits
Students will perform the following processes within the given testing time limits:
Process: SMAW
Time limit: Three hours
Process: FCAW
Time limit: Two hours
Testing Criteria
Students will be given two opportunities on each procedure which will be graded by the instructor on the following:
Ability to learn
After evaluation testing, students will be selected to start the program.
SMAW Weld Training
SMAW Class Structure and Curriculum
Day 1 – Introduction and Prep
The Instructor will give orientation of the SMAW process and the expectations of the program
Students will be given all materials and tools needed for the class. It is the responsibility of the student to control all materials provided.
Students will prep all materials
Each class will use 60 plates and 30 backing strips.
Day 2 Curriculum – Setup and Fit-up
Proper machine setup
Coupon fit-up on 2G, 3G, and 4G positions
10 sets of coupons
Day 3 Curriculum – Setup and Root Pass
Setup plates in position
Begin root pass until proficient
If student fails to show proficiency after three days, he/she will be dismissed from the class
Day 4 Curriculum – Proper Fill
Proper fill of SMAW process with 3/32” 7018
Day 5 Curriculum – Proper Fill
Proper fill of SMAW process with 1/8” 7018
Day 6 Curriculum – Timed Testing
Start to finish weld out of SMAW process 3/32” root, 1/8” fill, and 3/32” cap
Students will be timed by the instructor
Day 7 Curriculum – Full Procedure
Students will have four hours to complete the test.
Students will be given two chances to perform the test.
If a student fails, it will be left to the discretion of the instructor if the student can continue in the program.
Day 8 (Morning) – Material Prepping; Start of Proficiency Testing
3 sets:
18 plates
9 backing
Days 8 (Afternoon), 9 & 10 – Proficiency Testing
Proficiency testing for SMAW process
Students must pass all three tests consecutively
Upon completion of testing, students must recut all materials and set up for the next class.
FCAW Weld Training
FCAW Class Structure and Curriculum
Day 1 – Introduction and Prep
The Instructor will give orientation of the FCAW process and the expectations of the program
Students will be given all materials and tools needed for the class. It is the responsibility of the student to control all materials provided.
The Instructor will give each student a hands-on test, which will include:
Setting up a MIG machine
Maintenance of equipment for the FCAW process
Day 2 – Material Prep and Fit-up
Students will prep all materials and fit-up for the FCAW process, including:
10 sets
60 plates
30 backing bars
Day 3 – Fit-up and Root Pass
Proper fit-up and root passes of the FCAW process on all testing sets of coupons
All work will be documented in writing by the Instructor
Day 4 – Fill
Students will properly fill previously rooted coupons
Day 5 – Cap
Students will cap coupons previously filled with the FCAW process
Day 6 – Cutting and Re-prepping Materials
Students will cut and re-prep all materials for continued training
As tasks are completed, students will continue the program
Days 7 & 8 – Practice
Students will root, fill, and cap two sets of coupons each day by the end of scheduled class, for a total of four sets over the course of two days
Days 9 & 10 – Proficiency Testing
Proficiency testing on the FCAW process
Students must complete three sets of coupons consecutively within the time frame of the procedure.
Upon completion of testing, students will recut all materials and set up for the next class.
Evaluation of GTAW/SMAW Process
Location: Classroom
Hours: One
Topics: Safety
Review of machines and tools
Location: Shop
Details: Students will prep two sets of practice coupons for the GTAW process
Location: Shop
Hours: Four
Details: Students will take one set of coupons and perform the GTAW/SMAW process in the 6G position. The Instructor will critique and document the student’s weaknesses and strengths. These critiques will be reviewed and the end of the student’s evaluation. Students will than be selected to perform the GTAW/SMAW training.
GTAW/SMAW Weld Training
FCAW Class Structure and Curriculum
Day 1 – Introduction, Prep & Fit-up
The Instructor will give orientation of the GTAW/SMAW process and the expectations of the program
Students will be given all materials and tools needed for the class. It is the responsibility of the student to control all materials provided.
Students will begin prep of materials, consisting of 20 tube coupons (10 sets)
As students complete the prep of materials, they will begin proper fit-up
Day 2 – Root Process
The student will begin the root process
Each student will complete all 10 sets of coupons by the end of the scheduled day
Day 3 – Root Pass Testing
Students will re-prep coupons, and will have five chances to perform a proper root pass for the Instructor
If a student cannot successfully complete the task, it will be left to the discretion of the instructor if the student can continue in the program.
Day 4 – Root & Hot Pass
Students will perform root and hot pass of all 10 sets of coupons
Days 5 & 6 – Fill
Students will perform fill of coupons with the SMAW process
Days 7 & 8 – Cap
Students will perform capping of coupons
Day 9 – Prep, Fit-up & Proficiency of Root Pass
Students will prep and fit-up 10 sets of tube coupons
Students will begin proficiency testing of root pass in all coupons
Day 10 – Proficiency Testing – Hot Pass & Fill
Students will test for SMAW proficiency on hot pass and fill process on all coupons
Day 11 – Hot Pass & Fill
Continuation of hot pass and fill activities
Day 12 – Proficiency Testing – Capping
Students will begin proficiency testing for capping of all tubes
Days 13 & 14 – Buddy Welding
Students will be paired and will begin buddy welding activities
Days 15 & 16 – Water Wall
Paired students will be given task with water wall panel to complete
Days 17 & 18 – GTAW/SMAW Proficiency Testing
Students will begin proficiency testing on GTAW/SMAW tube test as individuals in the 6G position
Each student must successfully complete three consecutive tube tests for the Instructor
Days 19 & 20 – Wall Panel Proficiency Testing
Students will be paired and will begin proficiency testing on a five-tube wall panel in position